Dear Doctor: What is the Best Anxiety Treatment for Children?

“My child is suffering from anxiety.”

This realization is enough to push you into the dark. However, anxiety is not embarrassing and before you treat your child, you need to understand what anxiety and anxiety treatment for children.

Children with panic disorders usually develop an immense fear from certain things that trigger them. For example, feeling a heavy chest, increased heart rate, breathlessness, and losing bowel control are some common situations among children.

As the kids enter puberty, these fears turn into panic, making them detached from social gatherings. So, as a parent, your first priority will be understanding your Child Mental Health and what triggers them, followed by seeking psychiatric help.

How to Handle Panic Attacks in Children?

Panic disorders do not grow into full-blown disorders. So, parents can relax if they sense panic attacks among their children. However, if the attacks become frequent, then parents should focus on Overcoming Anxiety. 

Even though young children can go through panicky episodes, real panic or Anxiety Disorders do not develop until they hit adolescence. During this phase, proper Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) along with Medication for Anxiety under a certified psychiatrist is essential.

In treating children suffering from anxiety with CBT, doctors start by making patients flexible with their fears. As they get comfortable, clinicians rationalize with them to view the symptoms as less dangerous and more tolerable.

Psychiatrists suggest physical sensations like spinning, and jumping jacks to disconnect with the negative feelings directed from the anxiety. By doing so, the patients will reach the actual physical symptoms of panic.

As they face their trauma, therapists teach them to handle the situation through deep breathing techniques until they calm down. With regular practices, children suffering from anxiety learn to manage their own, eventually getting rid of their fears.

As the kids start Anxiety Management from an early stage, they can get rid of it permanently. However, therapists will suggest parents bring their child for Response Prevention after a while. A scientific report among patients suffering from anxiety since childhood shows that child Development and Anxiety treatment is better in people seeking psychiatric help occasionally than people having none.

Anxiety Disorders Among Adolescents 

According to a scientific journal, it shows that nearly 1 in every 4 adolescents is suffering from untreated anxiety issues. However, the ratio is significantly lower among children, suffering 1 in every 12. Psychiatrists assume that the number increases as parents do not acknowledge the mental issues as serious problems and it needs clinical assistance.

Social Anxiety is a huge problem for teenagers dealing with anxiety and depression. It grows due to several factors, including exposure to violence, low economic conditions in society, past trauma, temperament, certain biological conditions, etc. In the last few years, social media has increased the number of children suffering from anxiety. The fear of missing out has brought drastic changes in these young minds, pushing them towards mental disbalance.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on everyone. Children are the most suffered one during this. A 2021 meta-report shows that the number of teenage girls with anxiety symptoms has increased by 21% after the pandemic.

Parental Guidance to Read Childhood Anxiety Signs

The most daunting task as a parent is to identify your child’s mental condition. Even if they do, they try to hide it from people due to certain social judgments. As a result, the situation gets worse over time.

Another statistical data shows that the parents wait for years before opting for Child Psychology. It has nothing to do with shame or social detachment. With the right diagnosis and medications, children can tackle anxiety and panic attacks and lead a safe and happening life.

According to experts, anxiety in children can occur due to various reasons. Some of the frequent Anxiety Symptoms are cited below-

    • Autonomic nervous system activation

    • Diaphoresis

    • Palpitations

    • chest heaviness

    • Nausea

    • Faintness

    • Muscle tightness

    • Crying

    • Throwing tantrums

    • Avoiding certain situations, events, or person

    • Escaping crowd

Not necessarily, these symptoms will surface singly. More than one or two symptoms can come together. That is why Behavioral Treatment among younger children is extremely necessary.

However, only if the parents take extra care to spend more time with their child and be open about these things. Being comfortable with your child will help them to open up about their daily lives and issues. Even so, if you do not understand the situation, you can seek online consultation from a certified clinical psychiatrist and seek assistance.

It will be more appropriate to take your child to a psychiatrist once in a while to manage their stress and anxiety due to academic and societal pressure.

Coping Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety Treatment in Children

Take a time-out

Talking to your child sometimes becomes difficult. But, for your own child’s well-being, you have to build a strategy. Psychiatrists suggest to-

Indulge your child to do yoga, and build a healthy habit whether they like listening to music, games, painting, or anything that gets their undivided attention. Even meditation can help a lot in clearing heads.

Eat healthy

When the body is in proper condition, one can focus on dealing with Anxiety Disorders. That is why feeding your child with balanced nutrient-rich food is important.

Limited alcohol and caffeine intake

Mental Health Resources can be affected due to excessive alcohol and caffeine intake. Consuming caffeine before going to bed can lead to sleeping disorders. As a result, youngsters wake up fatigued and stressed, inducing anxiety among them.

Adequate sleep

Make sure that your child is getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep along with Antidepressants for anxiety treatments. Those heavy medications can take a toll on their body and brain.

Physical activities

Physical activities induce endorphin which is a feel-good hormone. Along with medicines and psychiatric help, as a parent, it is your duty to take them for some physical activities. It will be more effective to work out together and build a bond with your child.


Just like you have accepted that your child is suffering from anxiety, it is also your duty to make your child aware of the situation. This will not just prepare him or her for the treatment but also help to accept the situation.

These are the few regular activities and habits that you can build with your child dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. Sometimes, things may seem difficult to handle. But with the assistance of a psychiatrist providing Exposure Therapy along with medications, your child will get better gradually.

Therapeutic Approaches and Treatment Options for Anxiety in Children

Attention Bias Modification Treatment (ABMT) can lead to pathological anxiety. It is different from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). ABMT is more of a neurological anxiety issue that can be dealt with in both clinical and medicinal treatments only.

Several antidepressants like Benzodiazepines are widely used to treat anxiety as well as insomnia. However, as these medicines work on the central nervous system, it is essential to consult a therapist.

One of the most problematic situations in anxiety treatment for children is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Even then, you should seek proper medicines and the process of dealing with your doctor through online consultancy.

Dr. Prakhar Jain is one of the leading child psychiatrists with 7 years of experience in Mumbai. He aims to help young children and teenagers deal with anxiety through proper care and medications. Consult to learn more about his Anxiety treatment and help your child live better.tre



Dr. Prakhar Jain is a Psychiatrist in Mumbai, and has an experience of 7 years in this field.

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